Evan Berger - Principal
Evan, 40, founded CPT after a long career in energy. He previously served as the Chief Operating Officer of Thule Energy Storage in Costa Mesa, CA; and in a senior corporate development (mergers and acquisitions) role for a solar company. He started his energy career at smart grid pioneer Viridity Energy (later acquired by Ormat Technologies, NYSE: ORA); spent 4 years at energy storage manufacturing firm Calmac Corp. as a Director, before they were acquired by Ingersoll Rand (now Trane Technologies, NYSE: TT). At Trane he served as one of the two North American Sales Leaders for the Calmac product line, running sales operations in the Northeast, Midwest, and all of Canada.
He graduated from Stanford University with a degree in American Studies in 2004, and holds an MBA from Columbia University (2009).
Contact Evan at eberger@cptenergy.com.
$125 million
Clean energy projects developed
25+ MW
Developed projects in operation
$80 million
Successful corporate transaction advisory engagements completed